2021-22 Issues


Have you been listening to the news recently? If so you must've heard what is happening along the Ukraine border. Russia sent most of its army to Ukraine. Though In January Putin said there would not be, Russia has launched a massive military invasion in Ukraine.

What is the easiest history lesson you may have learned in your life? You may not be able to track down exactly what was the answer; but by the age of 10, most people know about the short and simple story of the Titanic. It is even stated simply, " The Titanic, the unsinkable ship, sank in the Atlantic Ocean...

March has finally approached us, and I know that everyone probably loves this school and appreciates it. Our school has become way dirtier and messier, are janitors have been working hard, but it is also our job to keep this school clean as well. Everyday when you walk through the halls do you ever notice all the paper and trash...

In this article we will be taking a look at the secrets and the cruelty of animal testing. I also have interviewed some of my fellow colleagues about the situation and we will dive right into that, after I explain what animal testing really is!

Marvel News


By: Claire Bechtel and Kendal Seltzer, Grade 6

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