Wonderous Dreams 2


By Lillian Petersen and Maeve Weathers,  Grade 6 

Maeve: One time when I had a dream, I was five years old. In my living room there was a tiger. The tiger was jumping from the couch to stand on top of my paw patrol toys. Me and my dad had caveman swords. Outside, it was changing from summer to winter every second. (Literally.) Then the tiger jumped out my back door and shattered the glass. When I went outside, my backyard was a rainforest. Bamboo was growing everywhere. In the background, there was a snowy mountain. Me and my dad chased the tiger all the way to the mountain. When the tiger got onto the mountain, it turned into a merge of a dragon and a mermaid. Then the dragon mermaid flew away. Me and my dad thought that he had ugly shoes so we went to famous footwear and bought him some new shoes. We finally hunted down the dragon mermaid and told him he NEEDED new shoes. He got mad at us so he came bolting towards us so he got frustrated that we ran so he flooded the world and started swimming to catch us. He got us and started talking to us about why it's violent to run away from people. We sadly apologized and gave him the shoes. We went shopping and found a tomato in the corner of the clothes store. The tomato exploded on us and then I woke up.

Lillian: One time I fell asleep and I was fishing and I fell into the water. When I fell into the water I found out that my favorite pearl necklace was stuck at the bottom and I went and started swimming down in the water and I went to grab my necklace and I saw Kim Kardashian and she YELLED at me she told me I shouldn't be fishing right now because it's the middle of winter. Which is true but I agreed with Kim and let go of the necklace and I swam to the surface but the ice froze and I was really mad because I was stuck so for a few days I was bunking with Kim for a bit before the ice melted I punched Kim in the face and stole the necklace and I broke out of the water. Kim chased me and I ran into a castle. I was so exhausted I was breathing colors! Eventually Kim lost me and I went to an ice palace and I stayed there for 5 years but then I got married to a yeti who was really cute then me and him found out that Kim broke into our house and smeared clam shells all over our walls so we were stuck. Me and my yeti husband didn't know what to do so we drank all of the clam shells. It tasted better than we thought but after we broke out of the house. We realized it was just strawberry jam and we got revenge on Kim and dumped hot fudge on her head. She exploded. The end.

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