2021-22 Issues


Rewilding means restoring an area of land to a better state by reintroducing species of wild animals or plants. Rewilding is important because it restores the ecosystem to better health and more biodiversity.

Kirby the Forgotten Land is a 3D RPQ platformer coming to the Switch on the 25th of this month. The game has Kirby, a pink ball with legs and arms, exploring an abandoned wasteland overrun with all sorts of enemies. It introduces new mechanics to the franchise.

Tea's to Enjoy


I don't like coffee. Don't judge me, but I don't like it. I drink tea! Here are some teas to enjoy if you're like me and don't like coffee!

The Olympics has been one of the most loved sporting events for thousands of years. From about 3,000 years ago in ancient Greece, to today in 2022; so many athletes have taken part in this event. The first more modern Olympics were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. It went from being an all male event to being an international...

Some people think that octopuses are weird, creepy sea creatures. But actually, they are super interesting animals and they can do some unbelievable things. Octopuses are cephalopods which is a group of animals that also includes squid and cuttlefish.

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