2019-2020 Issues 

Falling back into the soft snow, sledding down hills with the wind passing you, and waking up to the noise of Dr. Scanlon calling you saying there's a snow day are all fond memories of the snowy season, winter. But this year there was no snow, no sledding, and no snow days! This winter season just consisted of a lot...

Mug Cakes


You know that moment when you open the fridge and see nothing appetizing... Well, I'm here to help you with that craving. As long as you have basic baking ingredients, you should be good to go and ready to make a delicious mug cake. Below are two recipes for these delicious treats... enjoy!

Cougars are a cat often thought of as a mountain lion. They are also our school's mascot. Here's a little about them!

The curtain slowly opens, blinding lights flicker, and the eyes all focus on you. Musicals, singing, and auditions are all part of a crew of students called the Drama Club. We wanted to reach out to some fellow students to see what they thought of the new upcoming show in Drama Club, Aladdin JR. We interviewed a few students and...

Mrs. Scolis and the rest of the team are pleased to inform us that they are raising money for pediatric epilepsy research at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia). They worked with the student council to create a week of fun activities as a way to bring more awareness to Epilepsy. This fundraiser ran through November 11th-November 15th....

Last week at Fugett, we had the dodgeball game to end an exciting week of participation in Fugett
DOM-inates Epilepsy. This event was created by Mrs. Scolis to bring awareness of epilepsy to the community. I decided to sit down with Mrs. Scolis to find out her reasoning to bring this event to Fugett.
Why did you decide to start the fundraiser?...

Book Fair


The book fair is in the library, and you can go during homeroom and lunchtime. There are nonfiction books, fiction books, and graphic novels. It is open on the 19th to 22nd. There are comic books, science books, spooky stories, and fantasy. Some things are not books like notebooks and pencil cases. There are also pens, pencil tops, and...

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