2019-2020 Issues 

Even though restrictions are starting to loosen and places are reopening chances are you're still stuck at home. Below is a list of fun things you can try out:

In these unprecedented times, we are all looking for comfort, and one great source of comfort is FOOD! In fact, some people find that just the action of baking is therapeutic. It can help with many mental disorders such as depression or anxiety, and overall greaten your sense of altruism. Plus, you'll never forget the smile on someone's face when...

Summer Classes


Summer classes for incoming freshman (current 8th graders) are as follows:

School is set to be out very soon, and since we are still going to be at home, you might be wondering what to do. These past months at home we have been doing all our online work, and learning the art of Zoom, but when that all ends, what are we going to do? We decided to cover a couple of occupying activities perfect for your Quarantined Summer!...

Most of us already know that bad things are happening in our world. However, when we were all quarantined nature started to change for the better:

Cougars are a cat often thought of as a mountain lion. They are also our school's mascot. Here's a little about them!

Mug Cakes


You know that moment when you open the fridge and see nothing appetizing... Well, I'm here to help you with that craving. As long as you have basic baking ingredients, you should be good to go and ready to make a delicious mug cake. Below are two recipes for these delicious treats... enjoy!

Falling back into the soft snow, sledding down hills with the wind passing you, and waking up to the noise of Dr. Scanlon calling you saying there's a snow day are all fond memories of the snowy season, winter. But this year there was no snow, no sledding, and no snow days! This winter season just consisted of a lot...



The Wuhan Coronavirus has been the biggest thing on the radio and tv since its first outbreak in late 2019. Here are some tips to reduce the possibility of you getting it yourself:

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