Wonderous Dreams 3


By Lillian Petersen and Maeve Weathers,  Grade 6 

Lily: I went to bed and my dream started out really weird I was in my grandma's car and my dad was with me we were driving to Fugett because there was a big meeting for A and B teams and since I am in A team I went into the building and A team was in a small secret room and they were all wearing life size dog and cat outfits and it was all adults and there was only about 7 people so I put on my cat suit and in complete detail the head person was explaining why we should eliminate B team but they were all whispering because the walls were made out of paper

And we decided to start an alliance for selling peapods and then the B team teachers came in and started attacking us so we all ran to East Highschool to hide but then B team can bursting in (there were thousands of B team kids) they all started chasing us so we decided to hide in the refrigerator they didn't find us and we thought they went away and we came out but all the B team kids and teachers were surrounding us and Mr. Nefos came up to me and told me I needed to redo my Africa test so we went to his room while everyone was getting chased and he let me take my test and he let me go home and I came into school the next day and I found out I got a 100% and I started celebrating and I was trying to tell my group but they were really mad at B team and I told them it's okay and I made them feel better and I got a job in ice cream making

Maeve: So I was in my reading teacher's class taking the Watson's test. I couldn't get a question right so I stood up and flung my arms around. Then I started cursing and flipping over desks. All my reading teacher said to me was, "Stop." Then the people in my class started chasing me because they got annoyed. When I exited the reading classroom, the hallway had a red and yellow carpet. The walls had pink flowers on them and the background was rusty. My dad appeared and we hid in the storage closet next to Mr. Nefos' room. Except that the storage room was a janitor's closet. We had to sleep on top of the wet mops. Then, at 2am, the buses left. So we got out of the janitor's closet and it took me and my dad one hour to get to the other side of the hallway. We got to the end of the hallway at 3am. Me and my dad both saw five boys with mullets who missed their bus. The seven of us went down the elevator to the first floor. We got out of the school, and it was pouring rain. We decided to walk the two miles to my house. The boys decided to stay with us until they turned 18. The end.

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