Where Did COVID Come From, and Why is it Dangerous?


By Subhan Ali and Enishk Muruganandam, and Lishanth Panabakam, Grade 6 

So first thing to know is that there are many types of coronavirus, but the ones we are talking about here are the COVID-19 variants.

This whole outbreak started with a coronavirus in Wuhan, China and because no one knew about it at the time, and also because it attacked the lungs it spread incredibly fast. Every government in the world shut down their borders to stop it spreading and people had to quarantined as well. The real danger in viruses is that it evolved into a more quickly spreading version of the original. This is why there has been a sudden spike in cases, a new evolved version has emerged called Omicron. This variation spreads much more easily and is more dangerous to kids and young adults.

This all might seem scary but there are many ways to protect yourself. How you stay safe from COVID. (The original AKA Covid-19, Corona 2nd variant, Delta, Mu, Omicron) You have to wear a mask when you are outside, wash your hands regularly, when you sneeze or cough, do it in your arms. Do your part to stop it now to prevent Covid-19 once and for all. Finally, if vaccinations are available take it with no thought. The vaccine helps to prevent you getting Covid-19.

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