What The FMS Students Think of Aladdin
By Angelina Vo & Drew Orlando
The curtain slowly opens, blinding lights flicker, and the eyes all focus on you. Musicals, singing, and auditions are all part of a crew of students called the Drama Club. We wanted to reach out to some fellow students to see what they thought of the new upcoming show in Drama Club, Aladdin JR. We interviewed a few students and teachers to see their view on the topic. They all had different opinions on the subject,so we wanted to share the thoughts of some students in the school.
Many people loved the idea of Aladdin JR. being the new play including Mr. Nefos, one of the sixth-grade geography teachers in the school. Mr. Nefos said he loved the idea and thinks it's great for middle school. One drama student wanted to "cast" her opinion in too. She commented, " I like the idea but there are a lot of male roles I just hope they cast girls!" Another student also said that they thought it was going to be a great performance by the school. Aladdin - 1. Other plays - 0. We have heard many good comments about the subject, but what about the bad comments?
Even though Aladdin is surely an incredible play to perform, some people also don't like the idea of the musical. One student responded, "I'm sure it will be entertaining, but I wish we could do a more relevant play that everyone loves." Do you think the drama club should've picked something more relevant to the audience? Another student also said that it wasn't their ideal choice for the next musical, but they were fine with the decision. If you were to choose the play for Drama Club would you be with or without Aladdin?
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