The Ukraine Crisis


By Kendall Beisser,  Grade 7 

Have you been listening to the news recently? If so you must've heard what is happening along the Ukraine border. Russia sent most of its army to Ukraine. Though In January Putin said there would not be, Russia has launched a massive military invasion in Ukraine.

What is the reason Russia Invaded Ukraine? There are several reasons. First of all, Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky, wants to get security guarantees from the West of Europe and the U.S. Second off, Ukraine as well wants to become a member of NATO, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, yet Putin does not want that happening and wants to stop it. Third off, Moscow has its beliefs maybe that Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, has other plans and might have turned its back on Russia.

The US has troops in eastern Europe in case Putin decides to Invade a Country in NATO against Russia and Ukraine escalate, countries involved in the altercation prepare for war. The U.S. has deployed 3,000+ soldiers to eastern Europe with about 8,000 troops on stand-by.

While Russia is a Big Country, Ukraine's Capital, Kyiv has stood its ground and has not been invaded yet. Russia has not benefited from the War. They get a lot of resources from Ukraine and the West, they also produce a lot of resources that the West buys and now countries are boycotting the oil they produce.

Ukraine and Russia are both trying to improve on weaponry and keep supplying their armed forces. Over 125,000 Ukrainian Citizens have left Ukraine, the only people staying in Ukraine are People in Poverty and boys between the ages of 18-50 (besides ones who cannot fight.)

Biden has reassured US citizens that America is prepared no matter what happens. The government is ready with diplomacy and is ready to improve stability and security in Europe. Few things are for Certain, The people involved are not targetting the people of Russia and neither the US, Ukraine, or NATO are putting or planning on putting Nuclear bombs in Ukraine.

Russian Soldiers have no idea what is going on or why they are being stationed in Ukraine. Their Commanding Officers told the Ukrainian Citizens would welcome them and that they wanted to be here. Once the Russian soldiers come to Ukraine they are met with the opposite of what they thought they would see.

In the Front lines, we have President Zelensky. Volodymyr Zelensky is the President of Ukraine and was a former comedian. Zelensky has gained lots of media attention from his brave acts on the battlefield. People have described him as brave, a hero, an inspiration, a leader, a caring President, and much more thoughtful comments. President Zelensky is Russia's top target yet he is still on the Front lines with the military helping them and this is what a true leader is. Zelensky is one of the first leaders to actually fight on the battlefield in a very, very long time.

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