The Meaning of Christmas and Things to Love About It


By Jamie Campbell, Grade 6 

The meaning of Christmas would be about family and friends. It's just basically a joyful time cause everyone decorates their houses and rooms and office spaces too! Family traditions come to mind, starting with advent calendars helping keep track of the days till Christmas. Some filled with candy chocolate and little toys, and even fidgets.

Traditions for Christmas

Some traditions include an elf on the shelf which helps Santa keep track of who is naughty or nice. My family has a traditional Christmas eve dinner, our family that we don't see often get together to enjoy each other's company and a little competition in this family game called the pot. The winner of the game has branding rights all year and has to provide the next year's prize.

All the traditions at Christmas time are different for each family but when it comes down to the real meaning of Christmas it's about the family, friends, and of course the food.

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