Thanksgiving Food Survey


By: Olivia Podhiny and Samantha Carroll

Earlier this November we sent out a survey to students in different grades asking them what their favorite Thanksgiving dinner and dessert foods were. We collected many answers from many different people. Here are the results:


Mashed Potatoes: 37.5%

Turkey: 20.8%

Mac'n'Cheese: 20.8%

Other: 8.3%

Green Bean Salad: 4.2%

None: 4.2%

Cornbread: 4.2%

Rolls: 0%

Gravy: 0%

Corn: 0%

Cranberry Sauce: 0%

Sweet Potato Casserole: 0%


Pumpkin pie: 20.8%

Other: 20.8%

Apple pie: 16.7%

Chocolate cream pie: 16.7%

Vanilla Ice Cream: 12.5%

Pound cake: 4.2%

Pumpkin spice muffins: 4.2%

None: 4.2%

Corn muffins: 0%

It looks like rolls, gravy, corn, cranberry sauce, and corn muffins were not popular with this school. Fugetts top favorite Thanksgiving foods are the following:

37.5 : Mashed Potatoes

20.8 : Pumpkin Pie, Mac'n'Cheese, and Turkey (Tie)

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