Summer Classes
By: Dominique Dillard
Summer classes for incoming freshman (current 8th graders) are as follows:
This class is completely online.
It is a 6 week class starting June 23rd and ending August 4th.
It is worth 1 credit.
It costs $410 to sign up.
Every Tuesday 8-12 pm a Zoom will be held. Other than that most of the class is independent work.
A preview unit has to be completed before the start date.
Payment deadline is June 4th.
PE/Health 9
Instead of the usual combined Health Fitness (health and gym) only Health 9 is offered this year.
It is all online
It is a 5 week class starting June 22nd and ending July 24th.
This class is worth 1 credit.
It costs $399 to sign up.
For PE you have to submit weekly exercise logs
Registration deadline is June 14th.
Intro to Computer Programming C/C++
This class is all online
It is a 6 week class starting June 23rd and ending August 4th.
The class is worth 1 credit
It costs $410 to sign up
Students will learn Data types, Input & Output, String Manipulation, Arrays, and Structured Data Types
Payment deadline is June 4th.
All of the normal school rules are expected to be followed (no cheating, skipping class, etc.) Progress reports are sent via email and grades will be added onto your high school transcript. Grades will also be mailed out on August 13, which means all work must be finished by July 24.