Snow Day Activities


By Claire Bechtel, Grade 6 

With the hope of snow days this winter I bet you are looking for things to keep you busy when you're inside! Here are some fun activities and crafts you can do at home!

Oobleck: This is a slime like activity that you can do with only a few ingredients! You may want to keep this one by a kitchen or sink though! This mixture become like slime at touch and water when left alone!


  1. Measuring cups

  2. Mixing spoon

  3. Cornstarch

  4. Water


1. Get a bowl that is easy to wash

2. Poor 1 cup of cornstarch and ¾ water

Into that bowl

3. Mix that with a spoon

4. Add food coloring (optional) and Play!

5. Store in a plastic bin for later use

Sponge  Art: sponge art is a cute yet simple idea to make some amazing artwork! This is fun for older and younger kids alike.


  1. Sponge

  2. Paper (You can use construction paper too)

  3. Paint

  4. Placemat

  5. Paper plate

  6. Paper Towels

  7. Plastic bag


  1. Lay out a piece of paper on a placemat and get a paper towel/napkin to place the sponge.

  2. Get a paper plate and pour your paint color on it.

  3. Dip the sponge into the paint and dap it on the paper

  4. Continue until you think it looks good!

Cloud Dough: This fluffy clay is joy to play with!


  1. A washable bowl

  2. condition/shampoo (either one)

  3. Cornstarch

  4. Spoon

  5. Measuring cup


  1. Get your bowl and put 1 cup of cornstarch in

  2. Add condition (or shampoo) add about 3 drops

  3. Mix until well if it is still wet add more drops of conditioner

  4. Need with you hands until it is well and combined

  5. Play

  6. Store in a plastic bag for later use

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