Random Facts with Mason, Volcano Edition


By Mason Paul, Grade 6 

Here are random facts about volcanoes

Did you know that the word "Volcano" comes from the word "Vulcan"?

Did you know that the largest volcano in the solar system is on mars? It's called Olympus Mons.

Did you know that there are about 1,350 active volcanoes in the world?

Did you know that there are only 2 active volcanoes in Australia?

Did you know that Kawah Ijen has an acidic lake with a pH as low as 0.5 that can burn your flesh, like in the movies due to the volcano's gasses going into the water?

Did you know that there are lots of different types of volcanoes (Composite, Cinder Cone, Shield, Fissure, etc.)?

Did you know that volcanoes form mostly on tectonic plates because they cause magma to rise?

Did you know that earthquakes usually happen before volcanic eruptions(Related to the above fact)?

Did you know that volcanoes can trigger mudflows, flash floods, earthquakes, rockslides and tsunamis?

Did you know that volcanoes form islands with very rich soil?

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