Our Warm Winter


By: Angelina Vo

Falling back into the soft snow, sledding down hills with the wind passing you, and waking up to the noise of Dr. Scanlon calling you saying there's a snow day are all fond memories of the snowy season, winter. But this year there was no snow, no sledding, and no snow days! This winter season just consisted of a lot of rainy days. But why? Global warming has definitely taken its toll this winter. Some climate scientists have even said that this year's winter may have been one of the warmest. All we got of winter this year was a few inches of snow that when you walked on it, you could already see grass.

I'm sure everyone in this school knows about the increasing amount of air pollution, plastic, and much more that has been changing the world is a terrible way. All the pollution and global warming is affecting our weather horribly. Due to climate change we don't even have the icon that represents winter here in PA... snow! There should've been heaps of snow, but the temperature can't get low enough for the rain to turn into snow! Instead we get a winter that feels like we never left October. Nevertheless, even if we didn't quite get the winter we imagined we would, we still have an amazing spring to look ahead to!

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