LA Wildfire
by: Ashwanth Ramakrishnan, Grade 6.
Have you heard about the giant wildfires out west? Well if you haven't, you can read about them right here. On Tuesday, January 7, 2025 a wildfire started in Los Angeles California. It started in the city of Palisades. The largest wildfire took place there and a lot of houses were burnt down. It was really sad. Parts Sunset Boulevard was burnt down.
People still do not know how it started, but some people think it was a very dry area and people started setting off fireworks. Whatever the cause was, the wildfire spread. It was spread by heavy winds, which caused the fire to "jump" from one tree to another. A whole forest even burned down. It was very dangerous. People were homeless.
Some ways to prevent wildfires are never leave a fire unattended and avoid fireworks. One way we can help people in wildfires is by donating money. Another way is to make a fundraiser. There are a lot of other ways to help. Wildfires are huge! They can damage a lot of land. You can also help prevent wildfires.