IHistory Club


By: Kylie McCormick and Aroosh Ali

Have you heard about the iHistory club on the announcements? Are you in eighth grade, or are you just curious? Are you interested in field trips? Do you want extra credit? Then the iHistory Club is for you, although you must be in eighth grade In the iHistory Club you go on all kinds of amazing trips while learning about historical sites. Some of those trips include Annapolis, Maryland, Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Art Museum, West Chester Walkthrough, RBG Museum & Christmas Village, Gettysburg, and Washington D.C. twice. When you go on the trip you also hang out with your friends and eat delicious food such as ice cream every single trip. But don't forget that you receive 10 extra credit points for each trip. Not only will you have fun and learn something, but you can also bring your grade up by going on one trip. If you are thinking, "I would join, but I just don't have the money for it," don't worry. When you sign up to join the club, only if you are able, you pay five to ten dollars. This is because if you can't pay for yourself this money paid upfront will cover it for you. Most of the time these trips take place over the weekend, but there are some exceptions. The trips might be during the school week after dismissal, or during school hours. So if you are busy on the weekends you still have a chance to go on a trip. Now you know all about the iHistory Club. Will you join when you are in eighth grade?

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