How does social media affect teens? And how could it affect you?


By: Zaria Reyes and Kendall Beisser, Grade 7

Do you use social media? If so, think to yourself: How does social media platform(s) affect me and others around me? Many people everyday experience a positive side, while many experience the negative side. Every day, someone's social media account can get leaked, or hacked, and personal information might not be private anymore. Some people you've probably followed or friended might not be whom you believe they are.

The internet can also result in other problems like an obsession or a distraction to teens keeping them from their well-being. Teens as well can be exposed to cyberbullying and careless people on the internet. Every day, someone's social media account is getting leaked or hacked, and personal information might not be private anymore.

While there is a negative side to the internet many have experienced a positive side to the internet. Teens can meet new people and expand their social life online. The internet allows teens to increase their knowledge, As well as give you resources, such as Google™ or Apple™. Social media also allows teens to talk to relatives and friends across the globe. This allows teens to express themselves and do what they love, or what they have always wanted to do, it allows opportunities for them. Teens are now capable of learning things not just going on in their community but all around the world.

As social media grows, more and more people get involved. Some popular platforms most people use are TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Pictures, videos, and other files can be shared on these platforms. Which allows teens to help out or participate in moves like BLM or #StopAAIPHate and other racial injustice issues.

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