Global Warming
By: Lishanth Panabakam, Subhan Ali, Enishk Muruganandam, and Parker Hemphill, Grade 6
Where does it begin?
Global warming starts with carbon dioxide (which we will call Co2).
This gas can be found when objects like coal and oil (aka fossil fuels)
Are burnt. This is very very dangerous because when fossil fuels are lit up they produce a high level of Co2 which then goes into the atmosphere and traps rays from the sun heating up the Earth.
How it's getting worse.
Things are getting worse because trees filter Co2, but people are cutting them down to make cities, and, guess what, MORE FACTORIES!
Factories are a big part of climate change or global warming, mainly because as factories generate more items to make the items they use Co2, in the process as it uses fossil fuels to make more and more items it put a lot of Co2 in the air and as they make more and more items the process repeats. Global warming also affects animals because all that pollution would spread into the water and kill sea animals. The pollution would spread into the sky causing birds to die. Then oil a.k.a fossil fuel spread, killing the land animals. Maybe in a few years the whole animal population will go down massively. Humans also cause global warming too. When people cut trees down the oxygen levels decrease then causing carbon dioxide levels to rise but on the other hand without many trees there will be nothing that can suck up the Co2 so that means that the Co2 level will go up and the oxygen levels will go down meaning more trees will die causing harm to the environment.
What we can do about it!
One massive way that we can help stop climate change, is to eat less meat mainly because the agriculture sector is a big BIG part of climate change as it produces more Co2 than the entire transport industry and meat is the biggest part in that sector (Mainly beef). So if everyone cuts down on meat like maybe 1 to 2 days a week no meat it's sure to help us improve. One more way that we can help reduce climate change is to be less wasteful. Maybe you can eat the fruits and vegetables given at lunch without wasting, maybe eat out less, use less energy in the house, turn off the lights when not used don't use the Ac too often, all of things can really help us and plus all of these small habits can really add up and with many people following these habits it's sure to help us.
In conclusion this information is very very simplified but also important. All we have to do is to start to make small changes in our life to make an impact!