Dog FAQ's


By Lucia Nelson, 8th Grade

Sometimes dogs do things that make us wonder about them. Fortunately, we've spent a lot of time studying these curious actions and have deciphered some of our furry friends' most fascinating behaviors and features. So fear not– your questions will now be answered– and some of the explanations might surprise you.

Why do dogs have wet noses?

One reason that dogs have wet noses is to help them process smells. Their noses have a thin layer of moisture that traps scents. When a dog licks its nose, it can process the smells as if it's tasting them. Additionally, since dogs don't sweat like humans, the wet nose is their way of staying at a comfortable body temperature.

Why do dogs chase their tails?

Chasing one's tail is a natural behavior of dogs and other predators. Younger animals chase their tail as a form of play to get attention, entertain themselves, and let out excess energy. However, if an older dog is chasing their tail, it can be a sign of a medical problem like an injury or infection. Behavioral disorders are another possible reason for tail-chasing.

Why do dogs circle before lying down?

Circling and scratching at their resting place is also a natural instinct of dogs since they descended from wolves. Wild dogs make their beds by flattening grass and other brush to make a soft and warm nest. They then scratch at the area to mark it as their own; dogs' paws have glands that release their scent.Today, domestic dogs circle and scratch at their beds to imitate life in the wild.

Why do dogs bury things?

There are quite a few explanations for dogs burying food, toys, or other items. Burying food was a way for wolves to keep other animals from getting to it, so this could be a natural instinct. Also, a dog might bury food or toys to save for later. Another reason that dogs bury things is to get their owner's attention and relieve boredom.

Why do dogs lick people?

Licking helps dogs relax and destress, and it is a way of showing affection. Dogs might also lick people because they like the taste of their skin. If you have food on your hands after eating, your dog will lick them to get a sample of your meal!

Why do some dogs dislike water?

Some dogs will happily jump into the water. But others prefer to avoid water for various reasons. Smaller breeds naturally have a reduced tolerance for cold water, and any dog could dislike the feel of it on their fur. Another explanation is the way the dog is built. Breeds with bulkier bodies and short muzzles or legs tend to struggle when swimming. A scary past experience with water can also make a dog avoid it.

Do dogs dream?

Yes! Dogs do dream; they go through the REM stage of sleep where most dreams occur. We can't yet say for sure what dogs actually dream about, but experts assume they dream about their day-to-day activities. Unfortunately, dogs can have nightmares about their fears or past traumatic events. Studies have found that puppies and senior dogs dream more frequently than middle-ages ones.

Dog Body Language

Many people wonder about canine body language. Some of the unique ways that our furry companions communicate can raise a lot of questions. First, tail wagging means that the dog is emotionally excited, whether that is positive or negative. The speed, height, and direction of the wag indicate different emotions. Next, you may have noticed dogs tilt their head to the side. This means that the dog is in deep concentration and is focused on a sound. Finally, a common way of showing playfulness is called a play bow; this is when a dog has their back end in the air but their chest near the ground. These are just a few surprising parts of dog body language.

There are always new questions about dogs, and naturally, we're hungry for answers! Some behaviors are instincts from a dog's wild ancestors, but others are part of its unique personality. Hopefully by now some of your dog questions are answered, but keep on looking for explanations if these topics are interesting to you!

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