South Sudan Flooding


by: Samriddhi Kohli: Grade 6.

As flooding becomes a yearly disaster in South Sudan, thousands survive on the edge of a canal.

As we all know South Sudan is a really dry place where water is dirty and people are suffering from a lack of water. But this year South Sudan was flooded and forced people to flee To the other parts of the continent or the country.

For example, Bichiok Hoth Chuiny, a woman in her 70s, who supported herself with a stick as she walked in the newly established community of Pajiek in Jonglei state north of the capital, Juba a unpredicted flooding, which hadn't been seen in decades,finally forced her to flee. She tried saving her home by building dykes, but those broke. Her native village of Gorwai is now a swamp.

Plus South Sudan doesn't have any network or any access to contact their families who live out of the country or in another village.

In my opinion the flooding became a disaster and turned out to affect People living in South Sudan. People who cannot connect with their families are having a really hard time and I feel really bad for them.

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