Animals on the Brink of Extinction


By Addison Grote, Grade 8 


Vaquitas aren't very well-known animals but their numbers are dwindling and they are the rarest marine animal in the world. A vaquita is a porpoise and it looks similar to a dolphin. The reason they are so threatened is primarily that people fish in their habitat with gillnets which they use to catch fish. Vaquitas get stuck in these gillnets and die. It is illegal to fish in protected Mexican waters by the Gulf of California. The remaining population of vaquitas is shocking with only about 10 individuals left and will drop to 0 if they aren't protected. Luckily, efforts are being made. Vaquita safe fishing technology is also being developed.

Sumatran Rhinos

There are many different types of rhinos and most of them are threatened or endangered but the Sumatran rhino is possibly the most in danger of them all. The population of these rhinos is down to only about 80 individuals. Habitat loss and fragmentation are putting Sumatran Rhinos in danger. Fragmentation is when the population lives in small, seperated populations, and they cant breed and find other rhinos as easily. People also hunt rhinos for their horns to use in medicines among other stuff. People and organizations are trying to protect Sumatran rhinos' habitat and monitor their population.


Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal in the world. People hunt them illegally for their meat but also their scales. Pangolins are really unique because they are mammals but they have scales. They also curl up into a ball like hedgehogs if scared. Two of the eight pangolin species are critically endangered and all of them are protected. Many laws are protecting pangolins and stronger laws are trying to be made.

Saola (Asain unicorn)

Saolas are also incredibly rare animals. Often called the Asian Unicorn, scientists aren't exactly sure how many are left. None are kept in zoos and they are rarely photographed or seen. A saola looks sorta like a mountain goat or a deer with long horns and white facial markings. They were actually just recently discovered in 1992 in the Annamite mountains by Vietnam. Saolas are critically endangered mostly because of hunting but also habitat loss.


I only covered four, but there are so many more animals that are critically endangered and disappearing from our earth.

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