Climate Summit


By Faith Lehr, Grade 6

Right now you may be asking, "what is this article about?" or "what the heck is a climate summit?" or even "what is life" and while I cant Answer your question on what the meaning of life is, I can open your mind to the Climate Summit

So, before we dive right in, let me give you an introduction to what climate is. Climate is The shifts and changes in temperature, whether they are natural or not. So you may be asking "why does this matter", well small climate changes can impact the whole world. Over the last century, climate temperature has increased by 1℃, and that is about 33℉! This change is mainly caused by burning fossil fuels like coal oil. This generated greenhouse gas emissions, creating a bubble around the earth and trapping all the heat from the sun inside that bubble, therefore causing temperatures to rise. If this continues, there will be severe consequences. Every action has a consequence, and this consequence is bad. It would lead to droughts, fires, flooding, severe storms, and a decline in biodiversity.

Our Actions

All of this is happening because of our actions, but our actions can also fix it. Believe it or not this big problem already has a solution, but it is a little expensive. Actually it is really expensive. Like REALLY expensive, but don't you think it's worth it. Humans did it, and now humans will pay the price.


Act now is a campaign for the United Nations on the individual process of helping the world become cleaner. Everyone can help by making choices that would benefit our earth. These new world records could have been prevented. Lucky for us, It's not completely too late.


Ok people have started to notice the climate change and it seems we're doing something about it. So what is this and what are they going to do about climate change? COP26 is countries meeting and deciding what to do about climate change. And what have they done so far? A key role for the world climate crisis is carbon cutting, but that will take more that $100 billion a year to help other countries cope with their climate change. They are also aiming for a lot of deforestation to decline


Climate change affects all of us, but so does pollution. #TeamSeas is a foundation that helps clean the sea. For every 1 dollar that you donate, 1 pound of trash is removed into the sea. Youtubers are donating SO MUCH MONEY to help the sea! Mr. Beast wants to remove 30,000,000 lbs of trash from the ocean! A youtuber named Unspeakable stated that his merch profit goes to TeamSeas. If you don't have the money to donate, you can at least use eco-friendly products, or at least less plastic. Metal straws and reusable water bottles are all great. Help us protect our world.

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