Bullying: Problems and Solutions
By Lily Greco, Grade 6
When you think of bullying, you normally think of big kids that shove you into lockers. But there are actually different ways bullying happens. And if you see bullying happening there are different ways to stop it. If you see someone getting picked on you could tell an adult, or you could try and stand up for the person getting picked on. But the worst thing to do is GETTING INTO A FIGHT WITH THE BULLY because then you and the bully will both get into trouble. If it's just a couple friends teasing each other is that really bullying? There is always a point where the teacher should step in. If it happens multiple times then you should get an adult involved. Here is the thing with bullies, some bullies are not happy with themselves or have a problem in their life and being a bully is how they deal with it. I am not saying this is right, but it is always interesting to try to put yourself into the bully's shoes. Why is this person being a bully? There will always be bullies, but that doesn't mean you can't try and fix the problem. Get help! Fugett is full of people who are here to help!! If you see something, say something!!!