2021-22 Issues


Halloween was originally invented in the eighth century, but wasn't celebrated in the United States until the 1840s. Back then, people believed there were spirits, so on Halloween they would dress up in costumes and light bonfires to ward off spirits! Today, we still dress up but instead of fires we go......TRICK OR TREATING!!!!! Which for some is...

A few weeks ago, a profusion of outrage occurred as the eighth graders entered school wearing checkered pajama pants. Many students from all grades have heard about the debacle of "pajama pants" pertaining to eighth graders; the issue has even circulated to other grades. Some students are still angry when the topic of our school's dress code is...

When you read the title, this is what you might be thinking: " What could you possibly need to know about a basketball legend?" Although not everyone knows that Lebron James received a gold medal twice in the Olympics, 2 x Gatorade Player of the Year, and received the J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award in 2017, it is less of...

Autumn Vibes


Looking for fresh new ideas well you'll want to read this. Let's start off with arts and crafts. our first craft is the pine cone ornament where all you need are baby pine cones, string and hot glue gun (with glue). Then you are going to get your first pine cone and put glue on it and then you will...

As most of you probably have picked up, lockering is hard. Especially for younger students like me. Not only are the 6th graders have problems with lockering this year, but the 7th graders are too! 7th graders didn't have the chance to have a locker last year due to COVID. Now, I don't really think the locker is the...

When you think of bullying, you normally think of big kids that shove you into lockers. But there are actually different ways bullying happens. And if you see bullying happening there are different ways to stop it. If you see someone getting picked on you could tell an adult, or you could try and stand up for the person getting...

"I think it is a fair rule but we should be able to use it during lunch and at the auditorium, because the library isn't for people who want to get away from the lunchroom, it's for people who want to read." He makes a shockingly good point and it's true, and a lot of people would agree!

Extra, extra read all about it! Today I am writing about the infamous mask mandate! All around the world, teachers, parents and even kids have been fighting about the mask. Although many people don't want to bother and make a big deal out of it, others do. Either outside of schools in front of police stations, or even in...

Rewilding means restoring an area of land to a better state by reintroducing species of wild animals or plants. Rewilding is important because it restores the ecosystem to better health and more biodiversity.

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